
大地が揺れ心が揺れる2 Earthquake, heartquake 2













関連記事:大地が揺れ心が揺れる1 Earthquake, heartquake 1


Thank you everyone for praying for our safety.  And sorry for being so late in expressing my gratitude. I needed some time to talk about this earthquake experience.  When a person who were affected by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake told me, "Oh, Fumi san, you don't have to say anything, just take a good rest," I felt like I was being carefully protected. 


We take many things for granted.  Hot meal prepared three times a day, a smartphone that gives you infomation from all over the world, beautifully paved roads that takes you anywhere you want, and someone who are always waiting for you.  But they can disappear in two shakes of earth. 


Disasters can occur even when you are living a peaceful life.  Please be prepared as much as possible.


And if your loved one is there right now, if you are able to eat a warm meal today, if you have a futon to sleep in tonight, they are too good to be true, and you are very happy.  Share that joy, and love the person in front of you to the fullest. If you have such small luckies coming together, it is no longer normal, but extraordinary miracle.



コメント: 2
  • #1

    Eiko (木曜日, 29 2月 2024 03:29)

    Fumi san,
    i can feel your words.

    Human beings often think they are the lords of creation.
    And of course they can do so many astonishing things.
    But in the end they are creatures, living beings.
    Isn't this the beauty of the world?
    One day, all of this is over.
    And no one knows, what happens then.
    But what everyone can do, right here and now, is to be more humble.
    Living together in good times, in bad times, in ugly times.
    It's all there is.
    Living together..
    We are just one family, and this planet is our home.
    We never met in person, but i'm happy that you are here.

  • #2

    Fumi (木曜日, 29 2月 2024 09:46)

    Than you for your comment, Eiko
    No one can live alone
    Let's help and love each other in many ways
    And.. see you in person someday in this world, or in the next dimension (^_<)v



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