そんな悲しい癖を払拭すべく、母の面会のついでに奈良まで足を延ばして「ごちそう」を食べてきました。もう半世紀近く前、奈良公園の中にあった老舗の料亭でお昼を頂いたのですが、なにせ仕事中。料理が運ばれる度に "What is this?"と尋ねられ "This is .... えーっと" と、口をモグモグさせながら少ないボキャブラリーで答えなくてはならず、何も味わえませんでした。「あー、もう一度アレを食べたい、ゆっくり食べたい…」と、今回は自腹でリベンジじゃっ!
When my English teacher asked me what I do to treat myself, I had no idea. I tend to think I should do something for somebody else, not myself. Treating myself seemed difficult, but
it was worth trying.
Let's give it a try. After visiting mom in a nursing home, I went to a traditional and slightly expensive Japanese restaurant in Nara City. Almost half a century ago, I treated guests
from America there at the company's expense. They asked me, "what is this?" every time a new dish was brought to our traditional tatami room. I had to build up explanations with my limited
vocabulary while munching through a mouthful of food. I want to eat there again. I want to taste the food at my own pace and expense
Now, after 50 years, it's time for revenge! All of the dishes, cooked with love and care, and beautifully presented were just for me. I din't have to cook. I din't have to do the dishes. It was so good that I didn't even care what I was eating! "Am I in the heaven?"
幸せになって社会貢献「HAPPIER」by タル・ベン・シャハー
My nephew, who is going to move into my mom's home, has been cleaning the house. Now that it's almost done, I feel like there is nothing left for me to do there. But wait a minute. Did I really have to do all those things for the house? Or, was it just my own perception that I had to do them?
We've been finding old pictures under the clutters. My dad always had a big smile, no matter what happened, even during the war. He must have been a genious at enjoying life. I wish I had inheritted his talent.
But I have. I found that I have inherited his talent; I have treated myself many times in 2023 already. My smartphone is full of pictures of dishes I've eaten and me in my mom's Karaoke dresses to make LINE emoji.
What do you do to treat yourself? Enjoy life and be happy. Your happy vibration will save the world.
オング明子 (月曜日, 27 2月 2023 10:45)
Fumi (月曜日, 27 2月 2023 15:07)